Roles and permissions

What are roles and permissions in getalow?

Users, roles and permissions are key components of website security. Users are the people, roles are their functions, and permissions define what authorizations those functions have. User roles in this site define what actions, permissions and capabilities each of your users will have. Also they help you to define what are the responsibilities and capabilities of each of your coworkers and employees.

What roles are avaiable currently to the general user?

All the non register user and registerd user can view the website and can view any post. But if user signup for account, then they can achieve various roles. Currently the following roles are provided to general user.

  • User
  • Verified
  • Creator
  • Editor
  • Moderator
  • Expert
  • Admin

User role

This role is gain just after signing up your account on This is the main gateway for other roles. After achieving this role user can:
Like other's post
Comment other's post

Verified role

If you verify your email after signing up the account then, you will achive verified role on Verifying your email is important for safety to your account. After achieving this role user can:
Access to create their own post
Post management
file management for post

If you don't receive email verification email, then you can resent verification email from dashboard. So after login, click on user menu and click on dashboard. From there you can resend email verification email. You also have to wait for 1 more minutes to resend email verification email.


Creator role is access after completing following task:

  • minimum of 3 post is approved
  • minimum of 100 likes in total of the post
  • minimum of 10 comments in total of the post
  • minimum of 10k views in total of the post

After you have achieve creator role you can monitize your post and earn money. You can learn more detail on monetization on monetization section of the documentation.

Editor role

User with editor role can edit or modify other user post or comment

Moderator role

Moderator can track activities on website, have power of all above role, can also suggest for website modification and errors.

Expert role

With a role of moderator and above and request the modification of website's particular part.

Admin role

Admin can delete, modify or manage user activities, have authority to suspend post, monitization, channel or user, and much more.

The above roles are just only the few activities that we included here, there are lot's more user can do and achive with role. If needed we will add them here at any time.